Rotational Moulding Machine Supplier in Dubai
Water Cartage Tank Making Machine, Water Cartage Tank Moulds and Machine
India Roto Plast is a likely well-known manufacturer, supplier and exporter of the latest technology Rotomolding Machines and various roto moulding machine in Dubai. It is based in Ahmedabad, for many years with a dedicated technical team of more than 65 personnel and well-organized set-up. The team includes specialist technicians from the rotational moulding industry. Success is driven by the talents and skills of team members who are highly proficient professionals with many years of experience and responsible for designing, building, installation and management of large rotational moulding plants in Dubai. We export various product ranges like Bi Axial Machine, Rock N Roll Machine, Shuttle Machine, Pulverizes Machine, Water Tank Making Machine, Plastic Water Tank Making Machine, Mild Steel Water Tank Making Machine, Compounding Extruder, Scrap Grinder, Table Cutter, Turbo Mixer, roto molds and various roto accessories is being exported to Dubai. Our Team is ready to assist you with your requirements in Dubai.